目前分類:learning English (94)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1. Greetings問候
Good morning / afternoon, professor(s).

2. Background背景
My name is _______. I was brought up in Taichung City where there is a railroad crossing near my home. There are seven members in my family; they are my dear grandfather, parents, two sisters, my precious puppy and I.

3. Personality個人特質

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FW to 以為老闆用英文稱讚你?誤會大了! - 商業周刊


1、I hear what you say.我聽到你說的話了。
(誤解)He accepts my point of view.(他接受我的觀點)
(正解)I disagree and do not want to discuss it further.(我不贊成也不想再討論。)

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Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill. -Warren Buffet




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問題一:Email 主旨要簡短有力,才會讓人一看就懂?

首先,主旨欄千萬不可以空白,否則可能會導致email被 當成垃圾信件。




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 文/周強 (Tim Chou)



Tom Cruise is an American film actor and producer, and he started his career at age 19 in a 1981 film.


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賈伯斯: 離開世界之前該怎麼活?

古今中外的聽力測驗無不是要使受測者陣腳大亂、無所適從,而它們最慣常使用的三個方法就是:一、混淆音, 二、情境陷阱,三、多義字。「情境陷阱」在此指的是聽力測驗中,將圖片、對話、或獨白中的資訊加以「交互錯置」。這三種利器就如你在電影中看到,全身穿著 黑衣的日本忍者。當忍者面對敵人時,一定是丟流星飛鏢,使歒人閃躲不及;當忍者發現敵人為數眾多、他自己寡不歒眾時,忍者就會拿出煙霧彈朝地上用力一丟, 剎時之間煙霧驟起,敵人身陷煙霧之中,但忍者也趁機遁逃。這「混淆音」與「多義字」就像忍者的流星飛鏢,使你疲於閃躲;「情境陷阱」就像煙霧彈,使你身陷 迷霧。

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 全天候; 一天到晚
◆ "24-7" 指的是"24 hours a day, 7 days a week" 。也就是「整天、隨時」的意思。

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Is my computer outdated or state-of-the-art?

In this vocabulary lesson, I will teach you words that can be used to describe technology and computers.

This video will help you to improve your vocabulary and score higher marks on the TOEFL and IELTS.

Watch to find out if you are a technophile or a technophobe, if your computer is cutting-edge and user-friendly, and whether you prefer technology to be bulky or compact.

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  • Mar 19 Tue 2013 13:05
  • House


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1. Make Your Reader the First Priority
    Be organized and to the point. Stay focused in your writing and write briefly so you do not waste the reader’s time.

2. Write a Good Subject Line

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看棒球學英文,例如base在英文裡有「基地」、「基礎」之意,而在棒球裡,一壘是first base,一壘手是first baseman;而本壘是home base,而全壘打是擊出球之後,一路跑回本壘,所以棒球術語裡稱它為home run。字尾「-er」用來表示「人」或「物」,所以全壘打除了home run,又稱為homer

「安 打」是hit,「犧牲打」是sacrifice。英文的field原是「田地、田野」,平常職場上也有「場地、領域」之意,例如科技界稱為 「in the technology field」。但是在棒球場上,「內野」是infield ,「外野」是outfield,而「內野手」是infielder。「雙殺」是double play;「投手」是pitcher,而「捕手」是catcher;遭「淘汰」則是be eliminated。



Baseball had suffered through a few lean years recently in Taiwan, and many hope the sport is slowly on the upswing.  The Chinese Taipei team is hoping its performance at the Classic helps get things turned around.

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“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.
That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought more about their experiences than other people.”


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<多益測驗官方全真試題指南III> 的Test 2之中,就有一組以「保固說明」做為材料的閱讀測驗題。雖然文字的內容僅在陳述該公司產品的保固服務內容,但是出題者的立意令人驚豔。

這間名為Tylart Electronics的電子器材公司,在這篇文字的第一句話就告訴了我們,它是保固說明(warranty),它寫道:

Tylart Warranty Service is provided for all Tylart computers purchased directly from a Tylart store or from an official Tylart retailer.

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A speeding driver was pulled over by a police. The driver said:
"Officer, I'm just racing home because I shouldn't be driving without a driver's license."

(speeding是超速,pull over是把車開到路邊,driver's license是駕駛執照)

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Preparing for a job interview can make the difference between success and failure. The 100 common job interview questions below will help you market yourself more effectively and feel more confident on that important day. The questions have been organized by topic. Review the questions carefully and take time to create the best answers for you.  You may even wish to write out your answers so you can refer to them in the future. Good luck!


    1. Tell me about yourself.
    2. What are your strengths?
      The word strength refers to what you do well, your positive qualities or effective skills.
    3. What are your weaknesses?
      The word weakness refers to what you don’t do well, your negative qualities or skills.
    4. What do you see as a major success in your life?
      Major means important or big.
    5. Describe a major disappointment in your life.

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