<多益測驗官方全真試題指南III> 的Test 2之中,就有一組以「保固說明」做為材料的閱讀測驗題。雖然文字的內容僅在陳述該公司產品的保固服務內容,但是出題者的立意令人驚豔。

這間名為Tylart Electronics的電子器材公司,在這篇文字的第一句話就告訴了我們,它是保固說明(warranty),它寫道:

Tylart Warranty Service is provided for all Tylart computers purchased directly from a Tylart store or from an official Tylart retailer.

它的大意是:「Tylart公司保固服務提供給在Tylart商店或是Tylart經銷商直接購買的電腦產品。」這句英文中的purchase與official retailer都是好字:

l purchase [ˋpɝtʃəs] (n.) (v.) 購買、採購
l official [əˋfɪʃəl] (a.) 官方的、正式的 (n.) 官員
l retailer [ˋritelɚ] (n.) 零售商、經銷商


Warranty service does not extend to computers repurchased from another seller or from a third party.


這家Tylart公司所賣的電腦,如果客戶有使用上的問題或是瑕疵,首先可以透過保固書中提供的24小時全國服務熱線(national service hotline)或是email地址,提供線上技術支援。如果問題無法經由第一步的方式解決,客戶會收到一個維修單編號,將這個問題轉給區域的服務中心,由技術人員幫客戶解決問題。保固書這麼寫道:

To report a defect, call our national service hotline 24 hours a day at (310)555-9807 or send an email to If the problem cannot be solved over the phone or by e-mail, you will be given a case number and referred to technicians at an authorized center in your area.



If a Tylart computer develops a defect within three (3) years of the purchase date, the customer is entitled to free repair at Tylart service centers.

前面提到「瑕疵」的常用字是defect,還有disadvantage、flaw、shortcoming等等,「有瑕疵的」的則是defective。發現瑕疵,本句用了一個「develop a defect」的說法,develop常用字意是「發展」,但本句是指使用之後,形成或顯露出瑕疵之意。片語「be entitled to」也是「使有權利、使有資格」的職場英文常用說法。

有些歐美公司,客戶服務做得很到家。如果購買的物品經判定確有瑕疵時,公司會送上替換品作更換。有趣的是,這家Tylart電腦公司也有這樣的服務。但是在保固期(warranty period)的頭兩年,才有這樣的service,而且這項服務稱為TQC(交換專案計畫),取其電腦與客戶的電腦做換貨(exchange)之意,它在保固書上這樣寫道:

Computers in the first two (2) years of the warranty period are eligible for the Tylart Quality Exchange (TQE) program.

句中的eligible(符合的)是多益高頻字,「be eligible for」也是常見表示「符合…資格」的片語。至於這個TQE的細節呢? 這份保固說明書寫得很清楚,在這個方案之下,如果Tylart電腦公司認定更換電腦給客戶為必須的話,該公司會免收運費地送一台新電腦給客戶。一旦客戶收到這台新電腦,原本的瑕疵電腦要送回電腦公司。它在保固書上這樣寫道:

Under the TQE program, a replacement will be shipped free of charge to the customer if Tylart determines that a replacement is necessary. Once the replacement unit has been received by the customer, the defective computer should be returned to Tylart.


It is the customer’s responsibility to obtain an exchange authorization letter from Tylart and to arrange for proper shipping.


How long is the warranty period?
(A)Two years
(B) Three years
(C) Four years
(D)Five years

Under the TQE program, what are customers required to do?
(A) Contact the authorized service center in their area
(B) Return the defective item before receiving the replacement
(C) Get authorization from the national service hotline
(D) Pay for the shipping of the replacement

正確答案為(C),在TQE專案計畫下,應為客戶要先取得「an exchange authorization letter from Tylart」(授權書)。

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